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Don't think that because I haven't written that I have been busy or anything like that. No, I have come up with a couple more hobbies, through trial and error. First I wanted to take up my embroidery again, but I didn't like the way it was turning out. I still don't feel certain if I want to continue, but for now I'm enamored of cross-stitching. I love the precision and lack of limitation in my designs. There are so many adorable cross stitch patterns. I can't even take them all in. The only disadvantage is using Aida cloth all the time, but at least it comes in different colors. I have a daffodil project planned for my (very short) weekend.

I have also been following through with Internet purchases I thought on for a while. My most-anticipated is all the cute shoes I ordered from

My mood was bleak a day or so ago, but I am getting better. This gray weather makes it very, very hard to feel excited about much of anything.

There is a couple sitting across the room having tea with the same Tare Panda tea set that I have. They thought it was so cute, they took a picture when she brought their tea. 

I feel very cold and lonely. It goes to the very marrow of my bones. I promise myself that I will get bubble tea with Nathan on Sunday. Maybe then I will buy this piggy bank on the shelf with little rosebuds all over him. I am too melancholy to purchase it now.

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