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My old stories

I can't describe how it makes me feel when I look at my old stories. Everything is different-- everything is the same. As I read them, I can remember how I felt when I wrote them-- almost every sitting. I can see their potential-- how I have grown since then. More than anything, I feel my insular world draw around me again. I feel like my characters have gone on living as I have gone on living.

I have plans to put them online within the next year-- slowly. An abandoned garden. It seems appropriate, since they have gone on living unchecked while I abandoned them. I feel if I put them online, that will be a place for them. They will go on living there; they will be real. I believe in their reality more than one might think.

When I wrote "go on" I thought of "My heart will go on" and I remembered I am bidding on a lot of three dresses for Rose. Less than two hours, no competition, but surely someone has a snipe set on this auction. The minimum bid is already a zillion dollars, but her dresses are the most valuable of any. If I lose, I am definitely buying the Grace Kelly set for Dresden. She looks really, really cute in 1960's clothes.

But I don't want to lose. Those are exactly the dresses I want! The pin-striped boarding suit, the green lace tea gown, the yellow deck dress.

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