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This helps me realize what I meant to say in Cambriel. That Ophelia, a flower maiden, is deceived, betrayed and finally destroyed by the worst of human traits, by a scientist who embodied the sacred role of husband for her-- who transcends his faults and works, in this post-apocalyptic fantasy, to bring her back to life.

And after he does, all the wrongs of the past, and the ones incurred in the course of the story, are made right. The new Ophelia is made: part Cambriel, her originator, and part Valentine-- similarly a flower maiden betrayed by a protector, whose past Ophelia must resolve. In the end of the story, she and Shelley transcend the fallen earth to a paradise where she becomes Cambriel again.

I wrote this to complete the cycle of the flower maiden for myself-- because the flower maiden must by rights end tragically. I wanted to see her betrayer redeemed-- I wanted what was wrong to be made right.

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