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Tea page

I have made a start of putting my Backpackit content on my own pages. This is my first attempt, my tea page. I like how it turned out. There's still some things I want to improve, but I know I have to just put it out there if I ever want to get anything done. It won't be perfect at first.

My favorite part about it is the Javascript effect. I am really excited that I will be able to use that in my image galleries.

I have decided to control everything through FTP instead of server side, because the latter makes absolutely no sense. I do a lot of my computer work at coffee shops where I don't purchase the Internet access. I can't edit anything if it's all server-side. I'm disappointed in that I would like to push myself into learning those CMS's and wikis, but this is a good, simple start.

I have not been so interested in becoming a web designer more recently anyway. I've been busy with my work and my writing, and I don't feel a void so much anymore.

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