I had a truly wonderful weekend, perfectly balanced between craft, sleeping (24+ hrs...) and going out. Today Nathan and I went to the Dallas Museum of Art. We spent most of our time looking at the featured exhibit of Indian art. Then we sought out our favorites. For me, the European antiques, for him the Asian calligraphy. We did not find too much of the latter, unfortunately. I got a great portrait of both of us peering into a 1600's Netherlands mirror. I was particularly struck with looking at my reflection in very old mirrors. That is something I have always loved. Going around I realized Dutch art might be the next big thing for me. It's clean and simple with a very old presence I find stirring.
We made two stops at the museum cafe for refreshments and coffee. I really liked that it was in the middle of the museum, so that you could retreat for a while when you wanted. Then after the museum we went to Barnes and Noble. The books at the museum gave me the idea to look for travel guides, so I read the entirety of Japan Ai in the cafe while Nathan read some more serious Japan travel guides. I am forming a priority list.
- Shopping for Victorian Maiden and Innocent World
- Gackt concert
- ...
Yesterday I sewed literally all day long. I am embroidering a long skirt for Josette with water lilies. The pattern really captures her simple Korean beauty, and I am hoping to finish it by the end of next week. I am reading a manga "9 Faces of Love" that rejuvenates my love for the impossibly lanky Korean style that of course Josette embodies completely. I love the clothing.
By next weekend I am pretty sure I will have my Victorian Maiden dress in hand. I am so ready to transition into my Victorian Maiden style. So far this has been a totally effortless transaction, and the dress (used) is much cheaper than anything from Victorian Trading Co., including overseas shipping. I don't know if any of the shoes or accessories I have will work with this, but I want to see the colors in person before I try to match anything.
I have felt negative about my writing lately. Not that I think that my writing is bad, but that I don't want to write right now. I feel impatient to experience and to read other work. All week I want to hold the feelings I have right now very close to me. These feelings of love, affirmation, excitement and longing.