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Notes on Life of Christ, Fulton J. Sheen

Muggeridge - Jesus, the Man Who Lives

The Gospel - prehistory of the Church
Church - post-history of Gospel
Life - from suffering through redemption to happiness
Christ's purpose in the world was to die; ours is to live
Deferred joys purchased with sacrifices the most enduring
Dying to self the prelude of true life of self
Sin not the worst thing, but the denial of it

The Cross-less Christ - weak, effeminate, no authority, mortification, restraint
The Christ-less Cross - discipline, authority, festering guilt
The end of time - conflict between good and evil, Satan will appear without cross as Great Philanthropist/Social Reformer

To create the world cost God nothing. To save it cost his life-blood.

1. The Only Person Ever Pre-announced

To test claimants (religions)- (1) reason, (2) history

Death was Christ's goal. Teacher and savior - giving others the power to be good after rescuing them from frustration of guilt

The Cross was first, cast shadow back to his birth. Life lived backward.
John - his eternal prehistory
Matthew - his genealogy

Christ, or anti-Christ
Worship him or despise him. Because of his claims he could not be considered a "good man," a social reformer.
A virile Christ - we need a Christ to restore moral indignation, who will make us hate evil and love goodness, to drink death like water.

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