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The dream-state

This evening I thought a great deal of the dreaming state, daydreaming or visualizing, and writing, and how closely connected they are.

Writing is not nor ever will be for me a mechanical cranking-out of well-executed words, phrases or passages designed to optimally carry a concept. It is a dream-state where I live vividly. It seems like I could write continuously, living within that writing, for a lifetime. Likewise when I pick up a thread again I am returning to that place, and time has frozen since I left.

Writing is for me supernatural. It is a way or returning to the past or jumping into the future, a dreamscape of my past or future, and most often my present. I can stop or manipulate time. I can return to a story I began ten years ago, opening a door upon myself closed ten years hence.

When I reflect upon my past, my dreamscapes are every bit as much a part of it as what I experienced in fact. Without them and my writing to understand and express myself, I can't live.

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