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Some questions

Is erratic behavior true insanity, or is it a result of not understanding yourself?
What is my position on obsession? Is it bad? Can it be good? In my fiction it has always been a subject of dark beauty, stemming with King Haggard's obsession with unicorns in Beagle's The Last Unicorn. However, there are many ill effects to obsession, dramatic and ugly, that I have never communicated in my writing.
What is depression? Is it different from melancholy? I was interested in and acted out the subject through my first hero Anton, who rather than being brooding and dark, was actually depressed. But at that time I had never experienced true depression. Are anxiety and depression different sides of the same disorder? Do either of these conditions result from obsession, or does obsession result from these conditions?
Emotions and issues to be presented in Red Rose.
Understanding of the self. What makes each of us unique?
Obedience to authority versus personal ethic.
Curiosity about the unknown in the world.

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