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Then, they let Margot out.

Work is going to be really tough for the next month and a half. There is really no margin for error in the goal I have set. I will have to make and run at least one sample, sometimes two, every day. I am going to have to work overtime in the beginning just to leave myself a little room.

Long ago I read this story about people who colonized Venus. The storms cleared, the sun shone, and plants grew only one day every hundred years. On the day the sun was to come out some children locked the nerd (I'm sure that would be me) in the closet, and after the day was over, they let her out.

That is how I felt yesterday. I could only get a table far in Starbucks, so I didn't know what the weather was doing. I had planned to shop for my spring wardrobe and I did that very well. It took two hours, which is really a lot less than it would take in person, and the things I got were very much to my taste, but I stepped out into warmth, sunshine, and balmy air, and there was only an hour left in the day. It may sound stupid, but it hurt me so deeply. It had been beautiful all day. I did not come outside at all. And then, to spend my whole afternoon in a dark indoor place of my own will. I felt like such a fool.

Next week I am going to start going to River Legacy again. I have some old/new media projects I am going to revive this spring/summer for Winter Light.

Stories that have stayed with me--
that story about Margot on Venus
Anna to the Infinite Power
The Fairies

All sci/fi, fantasy! Apparently it was always right that I be a scientist, and write sci/fi, fantasy. Apparently I am right on track. Just about anything feels on track in the sun after a winter. All I can feel is, I made it, and before I know it, there will be sunflowers again.

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