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I am completely transported by Sarah Brightman's voice. I have been thinking there is not enough of her to go around, that the world will not be able to turn without the beauty that she gives. When she sings I can hear all things in her voice, like I can in a work of great literature or see in a work of art. I can hear beauty and love, pain and darkness, but above all I hear love and compassion. I feel like I would be totally different if I had not had her music for these twelve years.

I think about the concert I last saw of hers. It isn't hard to remember. The beauty, darkness and drama hurt me so deeply, almost like it broke my heart. The woman next to me started crying helplessly during the wordless interim piece with soughing violins and Japanese parasols. (?) It's hard to describe anything of what I saw. It was like a dream that created feelings but was difficult to describe. It still stays lodged in my heart. I wish my art could reach out to others with that kind of love. I wish it so much, you don't know. I feel like today I realized a lot. I don't have time to explain though.

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