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Christianity, religious tolerance

I yearn to worship again at Friends UCC. God was different there than he is anywhere else, I am not kidding. He was not a jealous god, he was not a god that closed doors or refused to answer questions. He opened the door up and threw guilt right out.

We were married in that church, by the minister I revere above all others. Is that not a reason to celebrate and affirm?

God was a Mother and a Father, and they did not play mere lip service to God's Motherhood there. I felt the Earth Mother there. I felt that I could worship the God of Heaven and the Goddess of Earth, I felt I could read books about zen, fairies, paganism, and Christ was my dearest friend yet. It's who I am, I can't stand not to question. I can't stand to blindly accept. I can't stand being among worshippers who disapprove of these doings.

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