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On Route 66

Right now we are on Route 66 at a restored motor inn called the Blue Swallow. The moon is almost completely full and glowing more brightly by the moment.

Next door the Economy Inn is completely abandoned. A high wall surrounds the pool, which must be drained.

The sky looks like a painting, pink and blue clouds surreal, and in the distance dark clouds hover over Tucumcari Mountain.

It doesn't seem quite real that I am here, experiencing the real thing after dreaming for so long. The other guests like to just sit on the lawn furniture outside their rooms and enjoy the evening, and we are at the picnic tables, next to a barbeque grille and a set of yellow plastic picnic chairs and stumps where the table top used to be.

I have been on and off Route 66 for the better part of a week, and I am leaving it behind. Spoiled girl, all I feel is disappointed it is almost over. But there will be pictures.

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