Finishing up bits and pieces of my stories into novellas
Unpolished work, published live
Will not necessarily write every day, but will keep to a story arc
i.e. story will begin on the first of the month. By the 15th, the story will be halfway through, and the story will end on the last day of the month.
My goal is to spend one month pre-writing and gathering materials, i.e. graphics and design elements to complement the writing, and one month writing the story.
I will estimate my story's length at 16,000 words. That will be 4000 words per week, 1000 words in each writing session.
However I will not correspond by a word count requirement, but by a story arc requirement.
My goal is to keep up with the story arc timing. In my outlines I will set dates and events which will be written on those dates in greater detail.
. here . As time allows, I will make photo stories, but I want to take my time, since I am in the middle of many things right now.