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Speaking of Bronte

Last night I could not sleep.

I got up and went downstairs to the kitchen. Jenny tried to follow me, but she was plainly confused. Eating something at 2 a.m. is not really part of our routine. I ate, and I drank a cup of tea, and I was really awake. I went and read Shirley for two hours.

I realized I am coming really close to the end now. I have enjoyed this novel so thoroughly, but to tell the truth, I am really anxious to start some other novels soon. I have such a long list.

Lately I picked up my old American Romantics textbook and became fascinated with James Fenimore Cooper. And I also realized I need to re-read all of the Poe.

Shirley is captivating. Bronte's text thrums with passion. It is not for everyone. Sometimes I wish she would have left off the last couple of sentences explicating a point.

Speaking of Bronte!

I found my hardbound copy of Jane Eyre. There was only one of them, and it was over a week ago. I was going to buy it today, but I got out of work late. Do you think it will be there when finally I can go? Let's see. Technically I could go tomorrow but I don't like to do two late days in a row, on account of Chèvre. Wednesday after I meet the contractor I could go.

Speaking of Jane Eyre I finally completed my download. I learned when we go to hotels is when I need to download movies from iTunes. I am so disappointed Red Riding Hood is not available. I really want to see it.

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