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Physical possessions

I am so in love with releasing my physical things. When I give away or sell something I don’t use, I feel even more freedom. I feel my life is changing quickly, and it’s exciting and intoxicating.

One day Nathan will come home, and he will say, “Where is your computer? Where is your car? Where is any of your stuff?”

And I will stop dancing with the faeries in the field for a moment and run up to him and say, “I have sold it on eBay. What I couldn’t sell I donated.”

Because of what I’ve let go of, I feel so much more. At first it was hard to know what I would use and what I wouldn’t, but going ahead with it I’ve learned and become much faster at sorting through cabinets and drawers and identifying what I can discard.

I have such a great urge to get rid of everything. I just have a sense that everything is going to change, and we need to be ready to move at a moment’s notice. We need freedom and ability to travel where we want. When I say “we,” I am talking about myself, but this is something I wish for everyone. Yes, it’s a sense of fatalism that the world as I know it is about to end, everything is going to crash. Things can’t go on as they are. The earth can no longer support the material demands of our society, and we’re living on borrowed time.

The places and things I truly love, life, nature, trees, aren’t going to go away, and I will always be free to be with them and enjoy them. I feel safe in becoming less dependent on society.

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