Two older entries I edited tonight re-posted today's date. However, the original month/year is still visible in the permalink.
Looking back on the past often makes me cringe, especially when I remember my own behavior. However, re-reading these entries makes me feel the past is accessible in the sense that I am still holding on to many of the same dreams and desires.
This week, for comps, I read two early gothics, James Hogg's The Private Memoir and Confessions of a Justified Sinner, and Charles Brockden Brown's Edgar Huntly; or, a Sleep-Walker, which were very much along the lines of the books that absorbed me from 2005-2007, most of which I read on my Treo from Project Gutenberg. Looking back upon my interests and desires of that time sustains me now, when I have to tap into my reserves every day to keep reading.