I've been having a lot of ups and downs lately. Studying for comps has been rough. I get burned out; then, it's hard to stay caught up. I waste a lot of time just trying to get the work done. I've been struggling with my clothes and my hobbies, too. Because things are still really bad with the pandemic, I don't go out much anymore, unless it's to the park to walk. When I actually dress up nice to go to somewhere public, I end up hating my clothing. Pieces I used to love I have ended up throwing in the trash at the end of the evening because they look so worn-out, not even good enough to donate to Goodwill. I don't like the styles I used to wear. I also really don't like the styles that are popular right now. I look at lookbooks on YouTube, but they often boil down to either youth culture styles or middle-age-lady styles, neither of which I want to emulate. I do feel really attracted to the scene emo styles that are still around, but not the Bermuda shorts-m...