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Lofi Photography: Afternoon in Fort Worth


Today we had lunch at the HG SPLY CO in WestBend, Fort Worth. It was amazing as always. I got beans and rice side dishes, both of which were huge portions, plus we shared chips and salsa which also had great flavor.

The restaurant is right off the Trinity River, with a view of the skyline.

After lunch, we went to the Botanic Garden. It was a little different in that we had to pay to enter the entire garden, and the Japanese Garden could be entered at will, with no separate entrance fee.

The Zen Garden in the Fort Worth Japanese Garden is one of my favorite places on earth. I've taken so many photos of the Zen Garden over the years, with so many different cameras. It was exciting to use my keychain camera today.

The Suzuki Garden is one of my favorite places in the Japanese Garden.

All of the above pictures were edited with the keychain cam's bundled software (Arcsoft PhotoImpression 4).

I edited them a little further in Adobe Lightroom just to see the difference. I prefer the edits with Arcsoft alone. In order to do a better comparison, I need to save the originals as jpegs after download and edit those in Lightroom. Lightroom won't edit bmp files.

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