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I thought sleeping in would help my bad headache, the one that starts behind the eyes, but now I just feel worse and slightly stuffy. Oh no. Not now. 

Yesterday I wrote almost all I need to in order to submit "The Golden Palace" to The Marlene and The Merritt. I am going to work on "Angel" today (hhmmm...or possible tomorrow) to submit to the Winter Rose. I was on an absolute role yesterday with "The Golden Palace" and had this deliciously tired feeling afterward, like I had done a hard day's work. 

Then, I played Virtua Fighter IV with Nathan-- which I have never done before--- and of course he beat me but it was fun and I would do it again. Eventually I will beat him.

Then, I looked up and thought seriously for about 45 minutes about sending my old boss a Poo Poo Platter. Then, over dinner, I found out from Nathan we are in debt, and got freaked out so today, I am going to start cooking dinner for us. 

Gosh, I have been so lazy. You tell yourself you will change when you do this and do that, and that's just how it goes. 

Anyway, whether I write or not, I have a lot to do today, the least of which is buying Nathan and me clothes for the Sarah Brightman concert in seven days. We will be so close to her. I want to look formal but modern, and I'm hoping to find Nathan something black and shiny, so we will match. So Arden B. and Express and Structure, here I come.

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