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Winter's Light

"You must let me go," she said. She pulled the cloak more tightly around her shoulders and shivered, looking at him longingly. The man she loved had lost his mind.

"I cannot do that," he growled through the glass, his features contorted. She knew he felt as cold and dreadful as she did. They both believed that Hildegarde was dead. Anton was certain that Madeleine would be next, and she knew his suspicions were justified.

She touched the glass as though to reach the features of his face. His face was more beast-like than ever to her now. It was harsh and angry. He would be easy to push over the edge. He was on the edge of sanity now.

"Then come to me. Don't leave me here alone. Please." She shivered.

"If my presence in the main house is missed for long then the murderer may grow suspicious. Your presence here must not be detected."

"If you leave me I will scream."

His eyebrows shot upward. "Don't do that. If you scream I will gag and bind you before I go."

She bit her lower lip with frustration. Anton had lost his mind. She was sure he would never want to inflict pain and cruelty on her, but he was doing that. "Tell me when you will return," she said.

"I will return at night. It will be safer for us to be together under the cover of darkness."

She felt relief at his words and stepped away from the window. He secured the lock, leaving her in her glass-enclosed prison. Frost covered the panes, partially obscuring her vision of the balcony and the courtyard below.

She felt despair as she stood in the center of the room, feeling utterly alone. She looked at the glass panes, wondered if she dared shatter them. Her beloved Anton had lost his mind and she must help him. He was in danger as long as he was in the castle.

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