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Poet shirt #2. It's amazing how a small detail can throw a whole project off, sigh! Luckily the second time around, the sleeves look much better and the whole assembly is going a lot faster... but for one little thing. The collar matching up to the shirt. When I cut out the shirt, there was this fold of fabric tucked under on one side, so that one side is 1/4" wider than the other. My eye can't even detect the difference, but I can't match the collar up to the shirt because if I center it, one side will be longer than the other. I'm still wondering on it.

Meanwhile the collar itself is proportionally too small for the shirt. How this could have happened I have no idea. I made new patterns, this time expanded to 500% instead of yesterday's 400% and it certainly looks the right size, but it's dwarfed on the shirt. Oh, well. Who cares? I'll just make a new pattern.

And I have nothing to eat but corn and cream cheese so I'm eating that and it's a bit sickening, esp. combined with the smell of Fancy Feast I just gave Princess-- who displayed a bout of temper I have not yet seen in her! The little girl warded Henry away from her food for a while (of course I gave them separate bowls of it but that lasted about 5 sec), hissed and all. And while she was waiting for it, he came in and she wasn't at all afraid of him. She was totally consumed with the need for Fancy Feast. It was so cute.

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