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How would I Iive without this resource? Yet its necessary source, oil, is our reason for my country's war with Iraq. I have read tonight-- and I intend to contemplate the possible truth of it-- that the USA wants to control what is left of the world's oil supply. Is this worth human lives? No. What can I do without this precious medium, the Internet, through which I express my life's passion? To have this thing which need be finite due to our greed is unsettling. What should I do? Will the world be as my post-apocalyptic imaginings describe in twenty years? Will we be bereft of electricity, on which every human is so dependent? I wonder if I am building my house on the sand in this event. Lately I have given myself almost entirely to electronica. If it were to end, much of my effort would be not only obliterated but obsolete.

I wonder what I should do. For if our country should do something, I should do it first and wait for others to follow me, rather than the other way around.

I am reading "Joy in the Morning," a play written after WWI. It's peculiar in that I have no background or commentary from which to draw about it: I must totally draw my own conclusions about it, which is challenging but interesting. I am still in Chapter 1: this author hypothesizes that since WWI there have been no wars: the story takes place in 2018. How wrong she was! Perhaps the overidealistic and almost unwithstandable patriotism of this book is what has rendered its obscurity. In any case, I am grateful again to Gutenberg for bringing another rarity for my perusal.

"Mathilda" was interesting, but I found its first incarnation, "The Flights of Fancy," near-unreadable. I'll have to try it again at some time. The sentences flowed on perpetually and were difficult to understand.

Sent from Amanda's Treo @-'-,--

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