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This is imagination

To be buoyed up in a moment when there is no sensible cause for optimism, when everything in me feels as brown and withering and fluttering as the dead leaves of Fall which must come so soon. I wander through the almost-deserted building and never have I felt so alone and forsaken and lonelier still do I feel to guess that everyone must feel this way as they walk a momentary lonely road.

Since I have been in the habit lately of challenging myself and testing my limits, I put down the gauntlet: be happy now, now! And I thought suddenly, I am lonely, but I am an island, and I am good, and no one can take this from me, the blood rushing through my veins, this fire. I can stand in two places at once. Here, and the far wild recesses of my mind, where I can hearken to those familiar spirits. I felt the great desire to run and never stop. How wonderful it is to feel this strange, restless energy.

I decided to do as the ancients called and make a balance with body, mind and spirit: in doing I hoped that my mind would rejuvenate as well as my body and I would feel more lively. I would not say that it has helped my creativity or desire to write, but exercising has made me feel stronger physically and mentally, and now too I am constantly exercising this determination, putting myself to the test.

Sent from Amanda's Treo @-'-,--

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