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Why is it? When I was poor and went through various phases of hand-me-downs, my mother's old clothes, and in college graduated to Wal-mart, it was one thing, but as this well-to-do young scientist I am still spending all my money on books and hobby supplies. I'm such a dork.

I've got to get some cuter clothes, argh, I do feel so shabby when I see my threadbare lingerie and faded blacks. I love fashion in theory but I never have had time to keep up with it. I have a failure rate of 45-50% on every purchase, too, but I'm improving.

I need new black pants and dark skirts. I think buying white skirts or hose is a mistake: it never looks good. I want the new white summer dress from Delia's and the puffy bloomer shorts from Alloy. I also want a light-colored lingerie-style swimsuit, but those can be tricky. My current suits are dark and dowdy, and I want something new for Las Vegas.

I must repair my peach dress. It is the best piece of clothing I have. I want more vintage clothes, but they are so hit or miss.

I have tried some new makeup products lately. Maybelline's Dream Mousse was wonderful at first, but something is amiss: the bottle sweats around the seal, and every time I open it there's sticky moisture coming down the sides: I really hate that. For now I am staying with powder: I can't find a foundation white enough anyway.

Last night I realized it was utterly misinformed to stitch my daffodils two-stranded. It is taking longer to line up my stitches, and it looks messy when the strands are twisted. If I pursue this single-stranded work, I'm going to have to rip out what I've already done. Impossible: possibly eight hours of work. Needlework really is cruel.

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