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I am starting to be serious about writing

This evening I wrote a long entry on what I thought of "The Glass House"-- formerly, Love Among the Shadows, and Love's Shadow. I realized what I need to focus about the story, what I should omit, and discussed what needs to be said in the story. I have a better perspective about it. At Coffee Haus today I started revisions on it, and did work on Hildegarde: All the links work now, and I am getting better at writing a nonlinear story. The more I write, the clearer it becomes what more I should do. I see it as a prequel to "The Glass House."

Okay, I am a little tired of being a good girl and doing productive things for my future. Look at this angel: I need to stop visiting the forum, because I do not have a need for another doll. I feel like acquiring them is a vice: it should have been enough for me to have one, and I already have three.

But this one is an angel. He is really small, but my doll collection is already a misfit anyway. Dollmore Calvin is an eight-year old boy, yet he towers over Dream of Doll Tender Too like a giant: Tender Too, my Shelley, is sixteen. All I need is a boy that looks like an eighteen-year-old and is dwarfed by my eight-year-old giant. OrientDoll Tae is 15.7 inches tall: one inch shorter than Shelley.

He takes a 6 wig-- that's really small, and 8 mm eyes. He's basically the size of a porcelain doll. Did you see the site? Look at him. He's adorable. I love him, after seeing these austure, mature Dollshe Hounds and Bermanns. After seeing big dolls in person, I decided I didn't like them a bit. Also, I'm not sure how to approach those mature male dolls. They are really well-equipped, and it's hard to imagine being their mommy. It would be like being the caretaker of an incapacitated man.

I could be this boy's mommy though.

Well, I've gone on enough. After seeing his clothes I feel so inspired to sew. I love his outfit. Shelley is too perfect to wear something rag-tag, and Johnny is too delicate. I'll have to think about it.

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