My unicorn and lady cross stitch is epic. It seems like it's my whole life. I began it at my sixteenth birthday. I worked on it when I went to Grandma and Pop pop's house, which is not their home anymore, each summer. I remember sitting on the sofa and doing it. I remember working on it in my room at home in bed. I took it to college and stitched it in Lechner. I took it to my summer jobs each summer and worked on it there. Now I am finishing it. It's very large, and there are so many skipped lines in it as to be ridiculous. It's so large that you can't tell, but it makes it very difficult to stitch, because I have to make my best guess for each row. The chart is tattered and yellow, and the cloth is stained in places, but it's my cross stitch, my work for the last decade. I'm so excited to finish it. There was something magical about working on it last night. That same maidenly content fell over me. I did my work, then I slept soundly and woke refreshed. I...
Tonight is the night of the vampire.