One thing I really like about reading obscure authors on Gutenberg is that I can form an opinion unbiased without any previous knowledge. The Victorian authors I read in particular: I know gender and sometimes age, but I base the work on its own merit and form ideas about its ideologies. I also declare to myself that it is a forgotten work of art, perhaps never truly discovered. I end up loving every Victorian novel I read, of course.
I am wearing the most wonderful skirt today. It is really perfect, and I wish everyone could have a skirt as lovely as this one. It is made of the finest black knit, fits my waist perfectly and flares gracefully as I walk.
I am trying to lose weight right now. This weekend I realized that I was steadily gaining, and immediately I began to cut back. It is very unpleasant emotionally, but I am not that bad physically, and I am losing about half a pound a day. For the first time in twenty-four hours I actually ate my food for lunch, instead of drinking it, and a south beach lunchable never tasted so good. I even ate the sugar free cherry jello, which I normally abhor. Now I am having a fat-free vanilla latte at Starbucks, which by no means, let me emphasize this, compares to the decadent treats of yore. It is basically coffee with milk, and I don't really taste vanilla. I swore I would not have a coffee drink or tea (the real drinks) till I am 120 lbs. We all want to weight what we did in high school: well, I'm pursuing that dream. What I like most is just resting here on my break: I don't really care what my drink tastes like.
A final word to the world: you may think you own me, but I own you. I am not totally sure what I am going to do with you yet, but I have you in hand. I haven't decided on anything yet, but my dual nature is firmly in place. I will give up neither master, Science, and Literature, and I am becoming better and better serving both.