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Sewing book

I'm reading an 1893 manual on sewing. I must be crazy. I cannot use this information. The tools sold now are completely different. But I absorb all details about this time period like a sponge, as I do with in vitro test procedures, which is a totally unrelated thing, but this is what I have always done, loving unrelated things indiscriminately. And I am starting to believe that one day I will be a scientist again.

Today I rode the elevator and did not feel nervous. I asked myself on both trips if I felt nervous, but my mind felt bored with being nervous about the elevator. I challenged myself so much as to look out through the glass window going up and down, and I still did not feel nervous. I don't expect to be believed, but this is a triumph. I actually visualized for a moment that it could be this way for me in a plane, actually up there, looking down, and not afraid, at all. I am not there right now at all, but I actually see how it could happen right now. That is good because I responded to the Australian's email today asking when I can come for a visit.

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