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I have been reading Viktoria's Dance for the past two weeks and am over half done. To think of it, it goes so slowly, and yet it is more writing work than I have done in months, this precious lunch hour I guard so jealously.

I am languid with despair to work today away from our new home, and the only thing keeping me alive is the vast amount of things I must do which don't mercifully, require a lot of thinking. When I woke up this morning at six the sun had not yet risen. I still can't believe how the sky looked- feverish and bright. I never knew how it looked when the sun rose.

What can I say? Oranji no tayou. I must take a morning walk down to the woods and see these mysteries more closely. I am, as I mentioned, in despair and yet in rapture and my anticipation of going home this afternoon is insurmountable.

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