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I see why Henry likes the closet so much. I felt so much peace there last night looking through my old journals. It's so warm, too!

It was, in fact, the only peace I really felt. Otherwise I was bothered by all the things I should do. So, I felt a little bit of peace in the closet, and I watched fifteen more minutes of Orphans in the Storm, which set my heart aflame. Louise is posed to look like a Waterhouse maiden. It is unmistakable: the loose, waifish dress, the long brown hair bound by a band across the forehead. When I saw her (Dorothy Gish) it gave me chills just as if one of those paintings had come to life. I am going to write an essay about it for what will soon become A Garden of Virtues, my site, and include comparison pictures.

They are having a silent film festival at the Starbucks museum thing this Friday night-- but I will not mourn, I will try not to. It would not be fun to go to alone.

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