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Internal life

We all live many lives, and I am certainly not the first to say that. Lately this journal has fallen silent because I have been undergoing such an internal renovation. I have been keeping all kinds of journals, scrapbooks and photo logs lately, but I have been accomplishing the simultaneous goal of staying off the Internet, and so while all my records are electronic, they are not shared. I still intend to use my blogs and photo journals online, but it is never really convenient for me to get on the computer, so I don't update them nearly as often.

My internal life seems to grow ever more complex. There was a time when I thought of a new thing I wanted to do every day, and so I started writing them down. I felt hopeless about ever actually getting around to them, but little by little I have been attempting them.

I feel more and more each day like I am returning to the time where I created without questioning what I would do with my creations. The years have seemed to fall away and I feel no self-consciousness about the strange things I make and do, I merely dedicate myself to them as I once did. And better than before, I am far better at organizing my things to ensure that nothing is lost, and that things are efficient so that I may return to them. I am also a better writer and better at crafting things and overall better at everything. It is not so bad to be an adult, if you remember why you wanted to be one in the first place.

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