I am longing for gothic beauty. I desire a more gothic look and wish to grow my hair long. I'm going to stop visiting Regis for a long time till everything is all grown out, then I'm going to have my layers evened out and dye my hair black again. I want it black again. I miss the shine it created.
I also want to paint my nails white, but every night I am too tired or lazy. I hope to accomplish it this weekend.
I am too sad that I don't presently have a web home for this much-beloved journal which will soon celebrate its third anniversary. But when I get my web host transferred, I will have a home, and I plan to improve the look of the page, which I know is very Spartan. But of course the whole point of this journal is its low maintenance: ideally everything would be controlled through my phone, but that is not entirely possible.
Three years does not seem like a long enough time to encompass all the things I have done. I am so matured since I left Bethyl. It's the first time in my life I can look back and truly say I have matured. I am still pretty green and flawed I suppose, and I have learned that hard lesson of necessary indifference. I have had to stop caring about things so much and shut off my worries, because my time has become so precious I can't afford to ruin it with distress.