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Sunday morning

Last night I configured my Notes wiki, and hopefully soon it will be ready to use.

I feel so much calmer than in the previous weeks. I wonder sometimes if it a factor of fatiguing emotions rather than a change in mind. Perhaps the emotions are always rising and falling like a perpetual motion machine and I am just prey to the tides. But now I don't worry so much about escape. I do feel bouts of unreasonable anger sometimes, but I try to say a mantra to myself and let it go. I'm sure I would feel it anywhere I went.

I have been reading more of Shelley's letters and a story on Fiction Press I liked very much, "Who Could Ever Learn to Love a Beast." I read it for hours this morning. I love reading things that reminds me of why I want to write. I don't ever really forget, but sometimes I go off-course.

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