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William Shelley

" Kiss the blue-eyed darlings for me, and do not let William forget me. "

This is the second letter in which Percy has asked Mary to remind his son of his existence. I know only these mentions, and his poem "To William Shelley," but I gather that his ex-wife relinquished only this one to his care, and he tended to devote himself to William. I think every one of Shelley's children died before he did, however, which is to say their life spans were incredibly short considering how short was his.

It is very intimate to read these letters and think of the reactions of writer and recipient, to think of this famed writers as attending normal things like travel accomodations and the time of the post, which figures into much of these letters. I have wondered many times if reading this is wrong or immoral. I suppose posthumously-- posthumously, mind you-- I would want every bit of my writing, journal and correspondence out for the world to see. If I didn't I would destroy it.

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