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Question and answers

I posed a question to Yahoo! Answers here. So far Tina's answer is best. Those others don't sound correct. I believe my use described falls under Fair Use. It's not plaigarism to display someone else's work as their own; and depending on the publisher or author's response, one might not have to pay a royalty, especially for old work in a non-profit situation.

I finally finished typing up A Strange Land today. I had no idea I wrote so much of the novel out. I have no memory of doing this. I dimly remember sitting at my desk and writing, but it seems like it couldn't have been for the several hours it took to laboriously hand-write this draft. I started a second draft of it-- typing it that time, but never got past the first chapter.

I'm impressed by how much I knew back then, and aghast by how much I didn't know. My understanding of Islamic culture was book-based only; whatever wasn't mentioned in my books I didn't know. I appreciate that a World Book isn't sufficient research to write a novel about a completely different culture.

However, my characters are intriguing and really come to life as I recall them. I'm sad for them. I couldn't possibly recreate this wildly inaccurate portrayal of the New World and the Ottoman Empire. There's no way to complete their story. And there's no way to reclaim Givencha's novel-- long-lost. I still remembered the blue flowered journal in which it was written.

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