Yesterday we came around three, but the sky had already begun to grow dusky, and we walked around the property and saw the tanks and the pond, and talked, and I walked on some logs, which I never before enjoyed, but since practicing yoga, I have developed a balance I did not know I possessed and like the feeling of mastering my balance on a slim log. I realized there are some in River Legacy I would like to try, and I think perhaps I have found my newest possibility of death. Anyway, we talked a good deal but I actually thought a great deal about The Garden of Virtues, and I visualized clearly Shelley's return to the garden and just how it would look. I saw a trail of antique photographs, and I would tell the old story with the sense of tragedy it deserved, the children deserting the garden, and I clearly saw Shelley's larger booted foot stepping upon one of the weathered photographs, him lifting it, looking at it, and becoming involved in a reverie of the past as slowly he re-...
Tonight is the night of the vampire.