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This weekend we enjoyed the last temperate weekend probably for a time to come. I was able to decorate pretty thoroughly. We have the tree now and other ornamented locales. My monks are across the mantel on a pallet of snowy fleece. I want to get long candles for an advent wreath. I also disassembled the broken Christmas angel my mother gave me and used the lights for a tiny Christmas tree. They are incredibly hot, and I'm hoping they will not set the tree on fire, since they melted the angel's plastic cone.

I am still not sure how to complete reparations of the angel. I don't really know how to make another cone, need to remove the last sharp bits of the present one, and figure out how to brush, iron, glue and clean the various parts to rightness. I don't need her this year anyway.

I still want to make the Snow White Christmas tree skirt. I also want to glue the sequins back on the felt Advent calendar. I will need to buy some as well as the candles.

Last night I was able to come up with several dress and project designs. I am publishing those to A Fine and Private Place. In addition to the Awakenings project I am considering revitalizing Cinderella. I didn't like the last chapter and want to change it.

Yesterday we went to a new church. That was interesting, and we will go again. It was a very modern nondenominational church, though it was actually not very large, or at least, the attendance appeared to be fairly low. After that we had jazz brunch at Birraporreti's, which was really remarkable.

So, here I am again. I must admit, it's very much a low after such a nice weekend.

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