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Anything but that

I use this online program called Zamzar to rip Youtube videos into files my portable device can read. My favorite video has always been "Anything for Love" by Meatloaf. I have been foiled time and again in my effort to capture this video. In the old days, on one tape recording, the tape ran out. On another, it warped. On a third, I staked out the couch for the whole weekend during a video marathon and was forced to leave when the video was aired.

In the early days of the Internet I scouted this video for hours on end. I never found it. I priced it on a Meatloaf video collection for $100. It wasn't worth that much to me. However, when Youtube came out the video became commonplace. I tried time and again to rip it, but the file size was so large it would take hours to get my email link. Usually by then I would be asleep, and Zamzar only keeps the video for 24 hours, so I missed it again and again. I decided to try again this afternoon and persevere, however,

"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by a third party."


All of his other videos are online. His newest 20 minute long video with Beauty and the Beast-type stuff is in high def: "It's All Coming Back to Me Now." I have that one already-- it isn't the same. Why do they have to do this to me? I could have downloaded it again and again. Now it is gone, and I will never have another chance. I could have had it for free. And I don't want his whole video collection, not at all.

What is the big deal? That video has got to be fifteen years old. Why?

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