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I have thought a great deal lately about fairy tales. I even looked at my Faberge brides and decided to make each one of them into my heroines. Snow White, Cinderella, and Beauty. Lately they have each seemed to me so different. I have written a great deal of Snow White, wanting to understand her. It is important to understand her, because she is a part of womanhood, but now I want to forget her. Snow White's fate is unhappy. One day she too will look into a mirror. It has always been very clear to me in the story.

Thursday night I looked at my Beauty and the Beast story. My mom gave it to me, and it is so beautiful. I realized how different Beauty was from Snow White. She did not toil, after a time, but lived in sumptuous comfort. However she had to change her mind about what was real beauty, and recognize love.

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