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Why does it take me an hour to do one thing?

I didn't cross a single item from my to-do list, and in nine minutes I have to go home to make beef pie.

Speaking of perfectionism, I have spent eight years perfecting this recipe.

Amanda's Beef Pie

  • One pound of organic ground beef
  • Nilla wafer pie crust
  • Cheddar slices
  • Beef broth (I use the kind from a box that pours)

Preheat oven according to your pie crust directions. Brown ground beef in a pan, scoop into pie crust with a slotted spoon, draining fat. Don't pre-cook the pie crust. It gets too brown at the edges. Pour beef broth over the ground beef, enough to moisten it thoroughly, not drown. Spread cheddar slices over the top of the pie. Bake for around fifteen minutes, until the pie crust is brown and cheese is melted. It's much better on the reheat, nice and solid.

Things I want to do in my life

  • Become a web designer
  • Publish my writing
  • Become a seamstress
  • Learn to play the erhu

Only four things? I guess so. But to me, those four things are so hard. They require a lot of energy and discipline, especially after a day of work. If I have any new year's resolution it will be to resolve that somehow.

I was so anxious about work today. I didn't know how I was going to titrate my sample. I did it! I only had to ask for help four times. I did 97% of it all by myself. My sample was just exactly the same number as the time zero. Wow. I can't believe I care. I've really got to do something.

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