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My talismans

I have noticed that I tend to carry things with me for their symbolic value rather than because I intend to use them. In the morning I may tend to take my cross stitch, my Artful Blogger, a lovely trendy fiction novel, and always a coffee.

The coffee gives me comfort just by sitting in my cupholder on my drive to work, a little sense of normalcy from a more luxurious existence.

The magazines or needlework or my laptop are visual talismans to remind me of the something more to life.

It snowed Saturday night, and yesterday the winds were so high it sounded like we might lose some roof.

I was disappointed. I wanted so many things from this weekend time that the weather made unpleasant or impossible.

Yesterday I read through my journal files from 2007, which was when I started this job. I hoped to receive some insight from my past reflections to aid my present. It is hard to be in the dark with other people or things. If I lose my sense of direction there is no one to tell me up from down.

I wish that today I could gain a little perspective, a little encouragement, from another person directly, rather than stumbling around in the dark. I am tired of being a one man show carrying around these talismans.

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