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How is it possible?

How is it possible that I worked so hard all day long. I mean, worked it. I actually sweated. listened to techno music and drank black tea all day, hardly ate anything. worked and worked and took one little break. Now I'm at Borders and I am so freaking hyper and excited I don't know what to do.

Unfortunately I know what is coming. A sugar low. My friend at Starbucks suggested fewer pumps in my raspberry white chocolate mocha last week. And she told me about the sugar low, which I think I experience sometimes.

Well, it is what it is. I have had had two people I really like give me special attention today. I am such a child, I know. But I love it when the different people respond to me. It's like they see the unicorn horn. Ha ha. The people in my line of work, though, they never saw a unicorn.

And I am wearing my jaunty black sailor dress. I wasn't sure today was the day for me to wear this. The sleeves are unusually puffy, and I felt like I needed to be in a perky mood, and despite my present tone, no, I was not perky today at all. I was energetic but not cheerful.

However I still carried off the jaunty black dress. It is not as fly as the waitress dress, but it is my second best dress. That is an old-fashioned term if you didn't know. The best dress. The second best dress. That's when people only owned a few sets of clothing. They'd put their money into just a couple of nice pieces.

I am going to try to wear plastic earrings tomorrow. I have been so nervous about wearing the big hearts. Every Friday I ask myself, and then I can't do it.

And maybe in a couple of weeks I'll wear my glasses. I don't know.

Okay, take a deep breath.

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