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I thought it would be fun to experiment a little bit since I can't get really involved in any big writing before NaNoWriMo.

In the past, Delphinia really idolizes the idea of Oriente and is positive they will be soul sisters if they meet. In the present, in their modern incarnations, they meet. But I thought, would Oriente really be this impressed with Delphinia? I began detailing her character and my imagination went off. She is really, really different than my past characters. I can recognize that I created something new here.

My characters have often stayed innocent instead of intelligent, but Oriente uses her mind to the utmost. She's a little cynical. Buried beneath this coolness is a great deal of pain her visit to the castle will unlock in her past-life memories. She may have a second chance with her ill-fated love, and she and Delphinia have a chance to change each other in what will really not be a lovey dovey friendship after all.

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