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Two sisters

I have changed my journal template into something so cold and professional that I really cannot even bear to look at it.

I would like to return to making my own journal layout from scratch, but there are some new style technologies I need to catch up to, and this isn't the point in time for me to be scratching at web code, though I have been doing good about learning other things.

Actually, I have had a vision about combining this journal with The Magic Circle. That journal is still in my old layout style and cannot take advantage of any new web features, but I feel like these journals are sisters, and actually, there is a third sister, that is becoming so real and so essential to my self-expression I am thinking of bringing that journal into it too. They need to be three separate journals, but I would like to see them joined, affiliated, or even on the same page in two (or three) columns. Is that mad?

But Blogger took away FTP posting, so combining these journals on a separate site together would not be possible. I think they will only go on Blogspot, unless I import them into something like Wordpress. Madness. Well, I am just now realizing in all of this silence I was thinking of real things after all.

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