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About Blanche

Some problems with Blanche:
(1) Muriel is a villain for no particular reason-- I contrived to make her bad and did so, but she is flat, without any personality at all. I want to go deeper into her spirit and describe why she is abusive to Blanche. This story departs from the Snow White tale at many points. That Muriel should despise Blanche because Blanche is young and pretty is stupid. I never intended that to be the case but because this is a retelling of SW that is an implication. Instead Muriel must hate Blanche not for herself, but for what she represents-- her beautiful mother, whom her father never forgot. Because of this hatred and insecurity Muriel deprives Blanche of her mother's possessions while also depriving Blanche of a mother figure in herself. Blanche ends up being starved not merely in physical poverty but also for love and comfort.

Blanche's father was no true villain either. He meant well: he married Muriel to be a mother to his daughter, but Muriel-- despite her practical upbringing-- fell in love with him, wanted to be loved as herself, not as a surrogate or replacement. Father could not do this and after his death, Muriel was deprived of hope completely. She was left with Blanche-- a reminder of her husband's first wife, the woman to whom she could not compare.

Blanche loves Muriel, though their relationship is dim and shadowed. Blanche is not bitter but optimistic: she has long ceased to expect any love from Muriel.

(2) Jean falls in love with Blanche. He is a poor farmer, can only offer an extension to her boring existence in marriage to him. Blanche does not acknowledge Jean's feelings for her. She is troubled by them since she doesn't want to marry him.

Jean devotes himself to Blanche's protection, somewhat as she devotes herself to Muriel. Jean is the one that breaks the spells Muriel puts over Blanche. With each save, Blanche is grateful but unmoved by his affection.

Sent from Amanda's Treo @-'-,--

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