I have to stay awake: please help me. I'm so drowsy I don't even care to surf the web. I've written three scenes already and I think it's made my eyes tired. I always dreamed of being a paid writer-- darn it, I am.
I can't think of anything to think about. I already made lists of groceries, chores and lofty life goals. Somehow even in this July I am freezing when I step outside in the darkness to drive home. I dread that void. Sometimes even my most favorite music can't shake me from that oblivion when I get in the car. It's like being an astronaut looking at earth-- lonely and cold.
I feel now that an inferno could not warm me. I see myself under the comforter now-- then I'll be warm and safe.
I want to start transcribing Hugh Worthington soon. I was considering tonight what things I want in my life and Gutenberg is one of them. I don't know how far my interactive fiction will go but it's worth a shot anyway.
Sent from Amanda's Treo @-'-,--