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Virtue and industry are rewarded. The near-last thing I wanted to do today was get my car work done, but since I will be traveling this weekend I knew I must. I came outside, which I probably would not have done otherwise, and realized that it is the most beautiful day it has been in a very long while. The sun is so bright it is really hurting my unaccustomed eyes, but the temperature is so cool that walking around while my car is fixed will be nothing.

I have also broken my long, long bout of bad luck with servers. Yesterday at Coffee Haus the girl was very rude. Then today the serviceman was somewhat insulting to me because I did not call the valve cap or whatever the correct thing. Today the girl at Starbucks waited on me, the one that looks like Jennifer Aniston, and she was unbelievably nice to me after being brusque all last summer. It seems my luck has turned. Next my favorite song is going to come on the radio, I'm going to get good feedback for my story, and I'm going to wake up every morning this week feeling incredibly glad.

There is a guy: he was just listening to something on headphones on his cell. Why can't I get headphones for my cell? That is another source of bad luck: shopping. I can't find any shoes that fit my feet, nor headphones for my Treo. Once I do, Rose will be an MP3 player as well.

I can't believe I have owned my Treo for over a year. I am so unbelievably fond of it. I usually have such poor judgment on buying things. I actually selected a flawless device. Well, not entirely flawless. I am considering evaluating what I need to back up and doing a hard reset. I introduced a little entropy with the freeware, though now it is my policy to load only bought software. It locks up now every once in a while, which is upsetting, though the battery is still very strong. Besides a scuff on the corner, it looks practically new.

In the interest of totally exploring my miraculous device, I have adapted this journal as Treo-only. All the text and media is sent directly from my Treo. I experimented with a Treo-only wiki website, but I will probably change webservers again, domain names too, for that matter, and my favorite webserver doesn't offer that software.

I came up with the perfect domain name last night. I love it. It is so cute and short: four letters, with a two letter extension. It will be right for both my and Nathan's email addresses. In fact, I may go home right now and register it, so I can talk about it. I don't want anyone stealing it from me, so it is a total secret till my name is on it.

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