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Tea set

I used my beautiful Tare Panda tea set this afternoon for the first time and it turned my day around. It keeps the water close to boiling so that the teapot makes the bubbling noise The Book of Tea described as soothing. Actually it is soothing. The heated pot means I can sit here for as long as I want and the tea won't get cold. I wish everyone was as lucky as me.

I have been contemplating my website just now to good end. I have a really good idea of what I want to do now. It is just right. It is very pared-down, though. I probably won't use anything but Dreamweaver to make it, and I'm not going to worry about CSS for now, either, since that is a matter of style, not content. Though to be sure I want to learn it.

My site will be patterned after the four seasons in honor of my present interest in the haiku. The overall design will be minimal so I can change elements at will, like a Japanese tea room.

I know I'm a freak. It's hard to imagine that there was ever a time when I was not enamored with Asia.

Speaking of tea sets, I dropped Ophelia's tea set behind my dresser and I can't get the lid back to the teapot or the sugar bowl. I'm afraid I won't till we move someday.

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