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New story

I am so excited. I have a new story. Now that I understand how it works I'm not nervous about my vast lack of knowledge on this subject nor the voids in the story. I know that my stories take a long time to develop, and by the time I feel right about beginning it, there will not be these gaps. It is about a half-Korean woman who falls in love with a betrothed Japanese martial arts instructor. It is based on a story I began two years ago called A Question of Honor. I don't know what I'll do about the title since I have another story by that name now.

I know how this works now, and so I'm not afraid.

Last night I made a beauty mask and it didn't mix very well. The nonpolar cold cream didn't work with the polar yogurt. However on my face they were great. The nonpolar cream made the yogurt stick to my face when it would have slid off. Next I may try yogurt with glycerin. I really want rose oil. I wish I could find some.

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