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On Cambriel

I am cold, tired and hungry but bleaker still are my spirits after going through 338 images of Irag on the Yahoo news page. I guess it is not the thing to do at 3 a.m. But I felt too anxious to read or work on Cambriel.

Now my curiosity has been sated, and I know what is happening, but not why? What is so important to these people and to our government? Why won't anyone say it clearly? "And when the wars were over, no one could remember what they were about," said Ashley Wilkes.

Now that I won those things from Ebay I am ready to work on Cambriel. I am excited but nervous about buying these things. I have never had a story that existed so much in the physical. It is thrilling when I buy or make the things I need for it, but I worry about spending such money over it.

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